Four Podcasts that Inspire

I am a huge proponent of continuous learning, no matter how young or old you are, and no matter at what stage of life you are. It is important to keep inspired, and to be open to broadening your perspective by listening to others stories. I’ve learned so much both conceptually and intellectually, often about topics I wasn’t even aware of, over the last couple of years by listening to podcasts.


I spend a lot of time alone in my studio doing monotonous and repetitive work; it’s just part of being a jeweller. Hours of filing, sanding and polishing go into the refinement of a finished piece of jewellery. I started listening to podcasts a couple years ago as a way to maintain focus on my work. I felt less inclined to reach for distractions if I was glued to my workbench totally hooked on a new episode of my favourite podcast. 

Podcasts have gained exponential popularity over recent years, and you can find podcasts on pretty much any topic imaginable. While I do enjoy my share of podcasts for pure entertainment (those shows that leave me laughing in hysterics, weeping, or quaking in my seat  -hello murder podcasts!) I try to make a point to listen to podcasts that inspire and educate as well. While my hands are busy sanding away, I like to keep my mind active, alert, and full of curiosity. 

I thought I would share a small list of a few podcasts that have been inspiring me lately, and hope you may find a spark of light in them too!


1. Clever: A Podcast About Design

This podcast offers an intimate view into the world of design through the lenses of some of the most esteemed and leading designers. The show is hosted by Jaime Derringer (founder of Design Milk) designer Amy Devers. In each episode Jaime and Amy interview a designer, and facilitate interesting conversations about their guest’s journey to becoming a designer, and an inside of view of their work and life. The interviews are always so insightful and offer a “behind the scenes” perspective of the design industry that is often not easily accessible.



2) Dear Seekers

This is a brand new podcast that was just launched in January. Although only a few episodes have been released so far, it has quickly gained my favour! The podcast is produced by Sasha Xiao in Toronto, ON. Through honest conversation with women, Sasha offers a platform through which to explore notions of success and fulfillment, empowerment and resilience. In each episode Sasha facilities engaging discussions that seek to inspire and create a sense of connection. 



3) Design Matters with Debbie Millman

This podcast is a powerhouse. It’s been around for thirteen years. THIRTEEN YEARS! I’m not even sure I had a cell phone thirteen years ago, so the fact that Debbie Millman started a podcast back then is pretty impressive! 

This is an all-around super inspiring podcast. Don’t let the title fool you; while the podcast does have a heavy focus on “design” as one may consider it in the conventional sense, the show includes a very broad range of guests on the show: architects, musicians, writers, product designers, chefs…you name it! Debbie Millman is an excellent and prolific host (who is also a designer herself); she is able to lead the most interesting conversations with individuals in any type of creative discipline. Prepare yourself to be inspired!



4) Perceived Value

This is another relatively new show in the podcast scene. Hosted by contemporary jeweller, Sarah Rachael Brown, the podcasts seeks to “broach the subject of value with artists”. Through her interviews with artists across various disciplines, Sarah asks tough, sometimes uncomfortable questions like “how do you pay the bills to make it all happen?”. As an artist and business owner I really appreciate this show. It takes down the mysterious veil that sometimes shrouds the tough reality of trying to “make it”. Pursuing a career in a creative field can be super challenging, and in this podcast, no one’s hiding anything: it can be tough. Above all, I appreciate this podcast for offering a glimpse into the lives of some talented and inspiring artists, while keeping the conversations honest and real. 


Thanks for reading! :) 

K. Claire MacDonald